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examples: unpleasantly moistusing pretentious wordsinhabitant of earth

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surrender cession sacrifice resignation delivery self-sacrifice remission renunciation abandon desperation forfeiture bear up backdown outgang concession abandonment render compromise release at a cost change capitulation waiver abnegation at the cost of mortal donor abdication disarmament kick seposition desertion pleasing unyielding bountiful abdicate reform remittal forfeit immolate trade–off at a price clean up one's act stayer prejudice white flag denazification restful
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disclaimer exchange boot gift up helpful shady sacrificial renounce meet (someone) halfway apostasy offer self–sacrifice advisory tenacious perseverance detriment traditor bounteous liberal perch childbirth monitory monk controlled school give–and–take equate parturient encouraging bounty parturition forsake satisfactory preferential generosity donation comfortable starting gate withstand yield birthing requisition luminous favourable resign dedication free-handed bright pleasurable rewarding divvy mediocrity forgo factor exhort lucent leave dry disrespect motivated bankruptcy classy improper fakir delightful hot charitable hopeful lightsome give-and-take handshake foundation formative resistant troublesome sketchy crawl keep prenatal milch nourishable serious inattentive generous informative pleasant dictation sonorous -parous luxurious consultative lecture tightwad soft ray bribery dismissive auxiliary staff system meristem undergo sum ana- effervescent stingy analeptic premonitory thanksgiving neglectful advantageous patience extortion trigonometric parallax clarity self-giving educational help Promethean munificent intelligencing close unsparing cumbrous submission market cross protective shameful merciful unrelenting credent graphic supportive almsgiving responseless desperate cordial systrophe placate admittance amusing enjoyable restless block chain inoculate inhibit oration profound thoughtful weak-kneed childbearing homily outgive good free instructive uprise rejuvenation big adumbrant self commission hortatory commutation International Court of Justice crony condone Silverstein, Shel fall favorable telltale remediate screw CU resorbent pay prescriptive open-mouthed intent bubbly smudgy cool four-way intensive weighted assistance eloquent oozy behind summary fumy weeping chatterbox spoil chronological rear escrow lifeful administration warning lifeblood explanatory attentive briefing greenmail fence radiant actionable here sediment indulgently podium pounce float medication manual assist boost heedful credential benedictory complimentary illuminant inoffensive nourishing hortative parous open-handed dim confidence evade steaming orthoscopic social contract acervative sagacity upraise tensive unthankful animative interchange issue remonstrate preferment secure grisly vesicant offensive notification consultancy viviparous extempore confirmatory candescent penal advocacy license wigwag encouragement bailout odorous admonition disposal incandescent note nominal welcome niggling crimper gratifying enforcement tolerable portray finally scientific management entitled congregation congest soft rave dark ACT validation unsatisfactory hard gladsome faithless suggestive r rendering penny-pinching deposition if I were you painful delectable withhold affirmative unpleasurable to my way of thinking respondent fill out permissive doxological heavenly authority huffy dial-in drive–through gone thirsty smoky cumulate postnatal imperative engrossed polarization grandisonant unfocused hospitable douche almsdeed helping denominative full of beans onesided vulgar birth lift odoriferous Eucharist honorific provision profitable erotic demanding warm directory employment adiabatic profuse exemplify authorization ventilation merry argue Dam summon rise lick narratory cue runny presentation ministration worshipful illustrate watery notice bad consulting deep vibrant qualify safe yielding electric glowing reliable reciprocative instruction fluorescent plentiful mute life-giving announcement phosphorescent get up ante invent spit stand comforting myoblast Prot acritical barnstorm appellative categorize plate of positive thoughtless satisfying hopeless labor air-dry plenteous permit backbone lavish benefactor packet Guide heedless evolution home glorification nee presumptive distribution epileptogenic promising restoration reliefful salutary discontenting silver sign firm prompt empowerment ominous appellation resist nectar h chart guarded obdurate faithful disposition advertent soothing eponymous backgrounder detailed inconclusive call smoking fluorogenic assenting pignorative delighting overgive cessible written consent informatory twinning giffgaff confident accreditation affirmatory paraenetical eczematogenic mindful aidful relentless prepartum assistant preceptive preceptory purchaseless salubrious accountant testation redressive motivational out-of-the-way fair uncomforting lactant spermogenous iron ictogenic postpartum viewless vivifical pleasureless self–satisfying lightless dolorous blissful titular anonymously ungiving cautionary propine motor handsome radiative advertising vital masculation laudatory invigorating unloving self-satisfying mulish circumstantiate improving interpretative guaranty amenable grave loathsome unlucky glowy clemency l myrrh stiff-necked chanceless master plan accessory poignant bracing intelligent recombinogenic sweetness near abort royalist strong commonitory commanding glued to something weather loyal guard immersive fencing vaporous skinny titillating panomphean loveless abubble delice graphically voluptuous eucharistical unpainful unpleasantness prodigal tart up involute get a move on come on illuminate upby intumesce sublime start-up business effodient all fours beaten-up bemuffled chin u vamp upflare done nurture ascend swy tap warpaint upbuild rattle one's dags press-up sear cut sb off high up make haste at full height piece-patched hash up- upset punch-out press–up ready roll scarify blaze–up belt up get a shift on raise parent slap recapitulate bloom direct refulgent dation emission tacit in a nutshell provisionary free with inviting assuring efformation enlightened co-lessor illuminating ordinative sanctionary bossy certainly anele equal cavernous colour commentator beautician minute bleak in general play potted captive tuneless turn magic luxmeter outpouring responsive transmission pipe up upward balls–up get one's skates on duked up feet old sledge an- pull–up retroussé whereup coin start-up company take-in upstanding would absolutory numeration redefinition recital sonation sore might unelaborated coruscant glad marking affrontive discussion delusive in someone’s favour stage direction yes circumstantial generally becoming busily active outrede drowsy descriptive monasticon endure gazette expense newsreel golden oracle speaking smelly tame refreshment remediation serviceable self–evidencing should as bounce flash cold compact gauzy tearful telling ungrudging strengthening inoculum mulberry gloomy orator this instant animating unrewarding proud respectful functional food shining on this/that account guru day school denomination deliver for one thing...(for another thing) synoptic editorial effervescence embodiment directive distrustful normative accordance warrant engagement instance issuance labour carelessly neuter anonymous sweaty Pullman punitive redemption burn out literal balanced druggery first–aider grease giftbook liberality feeder milky if you ask me regratiatory quick reference audience almsless let portentous Dutch uncle christening simulation succinct tattle pretence myogenic leech discomfortable discharge compendious pipe ring time uncompromising stinking oblige sb with sth glorious low-yield heartsome leading article instruction sheet wrapped dimissory enˈdearing noteworthy concert party being... allotment admonitory gliddery erogation wean sultry grudging introductory doting column offering nice surprise, surprise vent erogenous updraw uptake absorbing upswell pick cloy sustain rodeo dude bust enhance uptrain stifle cock perk smarted up kilt upwind overwhelm salient belight blow revealing digital subcutaneously disgraceful disingenuous brightness vinegary cumulative deliverance comment broad perjury child-centred collapse unsubstantial quest scandalous tact suckling tasteless sparkly from contribution uninformative formation fuzzy in sum doss grant information exchange of course level protocol die in childbirth IV pile it on distract patent office extension Raman-active literature tally full-length gas bellows unenjoyable distinctive Thanksgiving [or] thanksgiving bullish rubber stamp largesse peerage luciferous philanthropy aesthetic severe testamentation solid–looking sparing transfusion minutiose balsamic lifelike mandate farrow exit visa excurrent gateway return life–giving praiseful pestilential spending guidepost secretion gift-wrapped mythopoeic accurate swap how–to award auspicious impassive hookum argue away fudge cosy mahogany in justification of something federalism credence support expectative aromatic aedicula calve bearing consolation costa lickspittle lambing moony strongly important piano-school unwelcome ungenerous ringing shocking well done doubtful hustler flying start spermatogonium scrupulous unbowed -centred reserve judgement tokophobia repellent fiat oratory health food patronage sounding speaking clock shelter short-change charity Indian giving lay play coy confinement housekeeping book huzzah intelligence testing in concert enlightening inconvenient focused education busy incautious gift shop

Popular Searches

Words For "giving up"

As you've probably noticed, words for "giving up" are listed above. According to the algorithm that drives this word similarity engine, the top 5 related words for "giving up" are: surrender, cession, sacrifice, resignation, and delivery. There are 994 other words that are related to or similar to giving up listed above. Hopefully the generated list of words for "giving up" above suit your needs. If not, you might want to check out Related Words - another project of mine which uses a different technique (not though that it works best with single words, not phrases).

About Reverse Dictionary

The way Reverse Dictionary works is pretty simple. It simply looks through tonnes of dictionary definitions and grabs the ones that most closely match your search query. For example, if you type something like "longing for a time in the past", then the engine will return "nostalgia". The engine has indexed several million definitions so far, and at this stage it's starting to give consistently good results (though it may return weird results sometimes). It acts a lot like a thesaurus except that it allows you to search with a definition, rather than a single word. So in a sense, this tool is a "search engine for words", or a sentence to word converter.

I made this tool after working on Related Words which is a very similar tool, except it uses a bunch of algorithms and multiple databases to find similar words to a search query. That project is closer to a thesaurus in the sense that it returns synonyms for a word (or short phrase) query, but it also returns many broadly related words that aren't included in thesauri. So this project, Reverse Dictionary, is meant to go hand-in-hand with Related Words to act as a word-finding and brainstorming toolset. For those interested, I also developed Describing Words which helps you find adjectives and interesting descriptors for things (e.g. waves, sunsets, trees, etc.).

In case you didn't notice, you can click on words in the search results and you'll be presented with the definition of that word (if available). The definitions are sourced from the famous and open-source WordNet database, so a huge thanks to the many contributors for creating such an awesome free resource.

Special thanks to the contributors of the open-source code that was used in this project: Elastic Search, @HubSpot, WordNet, and @mongodb.

Please note that Reverse Dictionary uses third party scripts (such as Google Analytics and advertisements) which use cookies. To learn more, see the privacy policy.

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